Friday, 2 September 2011

We're back!

What a great trip! We ended up at Fintry Provincial Park between Kelowna and Vernon, B.C. It was a lovely site with Okanagan Lake a mere 5 minute walk away and lots of frogs, crickets, and owls to make the park sound more rustic. We did a lot of resting, sleeping, dozing, lounging, and roasting of hot dogs on an open fire! It was a wonderful time, and I'm going to need at least two days to wake up and get back to life! That's when you know it was a great trip!

Unfortunately, it wasn't warm enough to swim, so we only did some light wading! Maybe next year! (The weather around here has been quite cold and rainier than usual, so I'm not surprised!)

I find every camping trip has a theme. This was one was a paraphrased line from the Simpsons - "Fine dining in a wasp filled environment!" There were wasps everywhere, and you couldn't open a pop without one of them landing on the rim for a sip! Raymond was stung twice! And the mosquitoes. I brought three cans of Deep Woods Off and I'm still covered in very annoying and swollen bites! (And before you say that DEET is bad for you, I'm really sensitive to mosquito bites and me being up all night scratching until my skin bleeds and keeping Raymond awake with my whining is far more dangerous than a few days of DEET a year!)

If you get a chance to go to Kelowna, check out the Farmers' Market (held on Wednesday and Saturday)! It was amazing, and I could have spent all day there trying foods, buying fruit and veg, checking out the crafts, and generally soaking up the ambiance! I bought a pair of earrings from Bad Kitty (black flowers with fibre optic lime green beads inside), bought some peaches from the peach shop, four different kinds of garlic for taste testing this weekend, three local honeys (dark honey, linden, and vegetable honey), and some other veggies!

I think pulled pork is becoming the new hamburger around here. It seems we can find pulled pork in the smallest cafe but not a burger! Not complaining, but what's up with that?

I was reminded why I don't tend to camp in British Columbia much - $30 per night. When we were on the Pacific Ocean last year in Oregon we paid $18, in Washington state I think it was $15, and last time in Idaho was $12 or $14, and the campgrounds were comparable, if not better, with showers and lakes and everything else. It's a pity our provincial government charges so much (and we have to pay for wood as well!) It's on par with going to the Rocky Mountains and staying in Banff (which was gorgeous!)

Now I get to dream about the next trip next summer!

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