Monday, 29 August 2011

I'm away for a few days...

I'll be away for a few days - probably until Thursday or Friday - on our end of summer camping trip. Not really sure where we'll end up as we plan to pack up the car with all the stuff we need and we'll start driving. When we get somewhere we like, we'll stop driving and camp for a few days. I want to be need a lake or river for swimming and I want to be able to have a campfire so I can make my famous roasted corn and potatoes in tin foil in the coals. I want some rest and relaxation - I am bringing my math book so I can practice a bit before school starts, and I've been saving my latest issues of Mental Floss and Scientific American for my on the beach reading - and some good laughs with my wonderful husband and our best friends!

In the meantime, if you're interested in donating to our youth programs and receiving one of the e-books (look to your right if you don't know what this means!), I'm afraid I won't be able to send you the e-book until I get home as I have to e-mail it to you! I can send and receive e-mail thanks to my trusty iPhone, but I don't have a way of sending an attachment out from that device! (I may post, I might not - I'm trying to go technology free and avoid worrying about the phone and stuff!)

If you want to write to me, I probably won't be able to answer until the weekend as there's always that extra day of rest required after a long camping trip (along with washing the campfire smell out of my hair and clothes!).

Hope you're enjoying the last week of August, which is also the last week before school starts around here!

As a note, these pictures are from our honeymoon two years ago. The top one is Raymond posing in front of a sign in Wyoming, and the bottom one is me with the corn mascot from the Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota. I look half asleep there and quite messy, but we were just about to run out of clean clothes and I didn't realize these colours would clash so badly! 

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