Friday, 2 September 2011

Your regularly scheduled programming will resume shortly...

Thanks for your e-mails and comments while we were away. I'll be going through them this weekend and answering them as I can. I'll be back to regular, every day blogging by Monday (she said with hope!), and I enjoyed coming home to a full inbox of interesting questions and pictures!

I know I have a post asking you not to write to me in certain circumstances, as I wanted to try to stop the questions like "do you have any lotion recipes?" or "why don't you have conditioner recipes on your blog?" or people wanting me to consult for their businesses for free, but it seems to have scared everyone off, and I miss you! I used to look forward to seeing your pictures of products, questions about process or ingredients, or general queries about product making. Every morning I could guarantee there'd be something interesting in my inbox that would inspire me to do some research, get into the workshop, or want to make a new product.

I'm going to modify that post when I get home later today, but I want to encourage you to e-mail me at (Susan aka Swift) with whatever's on your mind right now. Questions, comments, ponderings, pictures of your products - I'd love to hear them or see them! If you've been thinking about it, chances are someone else has also been thinking about it, and I'd like to get some ideas of what I can write about in the near future!

Wow, this sounds really desperate. A bit like "I'm lonely!" but I need inspiration from you and your ideas! I do have a rich, full, and busy life, I swear! 

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