Sunday, 28 August 2011

Thank you so much for your support this summer!

This summer has been immensely successful for our youth programs. Thanks to your contributions to the Rated T for Teen group by purchasing my e-books , we offered...

At the Yarrow library
- 4 craft groups - scrapbooking, jewellery making, chocolate making, cupcake & cookie decorating
- 1 board & card games night (13 participating)
- 1 video game afternoon (12 participating)

At the Chilliwack library
- 4 tween craft groups with an average of 19 kids per group
- 8 teen craft groups - scrapbooking, chocolate making, pickling & jamming, summer skin care, sewing stuffed animals, sewing little cases, and stencilling with at least 22 kids in every group!
- 2 games nights - more than 29 kids at each night
- 2 video game clubs - 34 in yesterday's group!
- 2 girls' Rock Band afternoons - average about 10 in each group!

As usual, all our programs were free and we offered supplies for all the projects! This is the third year we've offered a tween group (grades 3 to 6), and it's wonderful to see kids who attended that group "graduate" and start coming to the teen groups! We've also increased the number of boys who attend. I think part of that was changing our name from Get Crafty! to How's that Made, and I think part of it is the interest in learning how to make stuff. Making stuff isn't just for girls, as you well know! We're planning a sewing group for anyone who wants to make Hallowe'en costumes, and so far it's all boys!

It has been a great summer and I'm so grateful to you, my wonderful readers, for all the support you offer to our groups. We're taking a break for a week, then we start up again on Thursday, September 8th with games night and a full season of crafts, video games, board & card games, and Japanese pop culture.

I can't believe that after just about six years of games night and five years of craft group the programs are still growing! And that the kids we met all those years ago are still with us, still having fun and still learning (and teaching us a thing or two!). I feel so honoured and blessed to be able to do offer these kinds of groups, to spend time with my husband during the programs, to meet and get to spend time with all these great teenagers, and to be able to offer something to a community I love!

Thank you so much for helping us offer these programs with your kind donations! I can't thank you enough!

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