Sunday, 29 May 2011

Why did I buy that? More from the other day's post!

Here are a few more ideas on how to use the ingredients we covered in the other day's post! (Sorry for the lateness of the posts, but for some strange reason I've decided to start sleeping in until around 9:00!)

Cromollient SCE can be used as an emollient and emulsifier. Here are a few ideas of how to use it in hair care products, a ridiculously moisturizing body wash with other esters (clear), and a ridiculously moisturizing body wash with other esters (opaque). Cromollient SCE can be used as a substitute for things like polysorbate 80 in bath oils (click here), although it is a very expensive substitution! And here's a recipe for how to make a clear, sprayable conditioning product with esters (which also contains PEG-7 olivate).

I love to use PEG-7 olivate in a products where I want to add some emolliency but don't want the hassle of using an emulsifier with the oil. (As a side note, I'm really enjoying using water soluble shea in similar products!) For instance, in facial products, in a body wash, in shampoo, in rinse off conditioners, and in leave in conditioners. I tend to add it to things like my summer time cooling spray as an emollient at up to 3% (I like my products to be multitaskers!) or in this apres sun spray at 3% in the water phase. Or think about adding it to a deodorant as an emollient that won't be as greasy as a regular oil.

As I mentioned, I woke up kinda late this morning so this is a short post as I have a hundred things to do to prepare for work this week. Join me tomorrow as we take a look at another new ingredient - Caprol Micro Express (CME). 


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