Sunday, 9 June 2019

Benefits Fruits For Health

Stroke is now increasing both in the world or Indonesia . So that we avoid a stroke there beberaoa foods that can reduce the risk of stroke . What are these foods ? check it out ya :

 Citrus Fruits , flavonoid , or better known as antioxidants can reduce the inflammation that triggers the risk of stroke .

 Nuts , green vegetables and whole grains can lower the risk of stroke because it contains contains magnesium .

 Tomatoes contain lycopene , a red -colored substance in tomatoes , may reduce the risk of stroke in adult men .

Noni fruit contains Xeronin , also rich in vitamins and minerals , which can improve the function of the body so as to prevent strokes and treat stroke .

In addition to the food , do not forget to pay attention to a healthy diet and exercise regularly .

Hopefully this brief info useful to us all


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