Sunday, 19 June 2011

Why did I buy that again? SCS-CAB blend - recipe ideas!

I love working with surfactants and I thought I'd offer a few recipes in which you could include SCS-CAB blend. I haven't made these actual creations myself as I don't have any SCS-CAB blend and using SCS and CAB in a recipe won't have the same effect, but I have no hesitation in sharing them and assuring you they will work!

A bubble bath would be a fine thing with SCS-CAB blend because we'd normally use some kind of primary surfactant that likes to foam with cocamidopropyl betaine for thickening and increase mildness. (To see more about creating bubble baths, click here.)

26.5% water
10% aloe vera
30% cocamidopropyl betaine
22% C14-16 olefin sulfonate
6% BSB (a surfactant blend)
1% glycerin
0.5% to 1% preservative
2% fragrance oil
up to 2% Crothix (read notes below)
Colouring, if desired

If you're using SCS-CAB blend, you could substitute it for the C14-16 olefin sulfonate and cocamidopropyl betaine at 40%, and increase the water amount by 12% or increase the other surfactant amount by 12%. You could use 5% cocamide DEA instead of the BSB for foam boosting, or use 5% SCI to thicken the product and make it more opaque!

If you want to leave out the aloe vera, feel free to do so. I add it because it increases viscosity of the product, meaning I need to use less Crothix. 

Mix your surfactants together until well blended, then add the water and blend well. Add the glycerin, preservative, fragrance oil, and colouring and blend well (but don't be overly zealous in your mixing, as we don't want to generate a ton of bubbles). Let it rest for a bit - say an hour or so - and check the viscosity. If you are happy with it, bottle and label it. If you aren't happy with it, then add 1% liquid Crothix and stir well. If you still aren't happy with it, add another 0.5% Crothix. You can go up to 2% Crothix, but ensure you stir very well in between additions.

If you wanted to try something different, how about this foaming scrub with SCI? I've been using this a lot lately and really loving it! I'm substituting the SCS-CAB blend for the cocamide DEA and cocamidopropyl betaine, but you could substitute any surfactant blend with the the SCS-CAB and see how it works out!

32% SCI
21.9% SCS-CAB blend
8.7% polyglucose/lactylate blend
8.7% glycerin
4.5% Cromollient SCE

2.5% glycol distearate
4.5% cetyl alcohol
8.7% soy bean oil

2.6% myristamine oxide
4.4% polyquat 7
0.5% liquid Germall Plus
1% fragrance oil

Weigh the heated surfactant phase into a heatproof container and put into the double boiler. Melt until it is kinda liquidy but mixes well. Also weigh the heated oil phase into a heatproof container and put into the double boiler. Melt until it is liquid.

Add the two phases together and mix well. You can add the myristamine oxide and polyquat 7 at any point, but wait until you reach 45˚C before adding the fragrance and preservative.

Mix this very well with a hand mixer - beaters, not whisks! - until it is fluffy. Add some exfoliants if you want. I added about 50% sugar and I really like it!

I call this a possibly foaming bath butter because I have no idea what that product feels like, but that's what it seems like to me. It's foamy and fluffy and feels very nice on my skin when I've used it in the shower. If you don't have the Cromollient SCE or myristamine oxide, don't worry - you can use some other water soluble esters, if you want, or increase your liquid surfactant amount.

body wash would also be a great product in which to include SCS-CAB blend. I have a number of body washes on this can find one hereanother one with SCI here, and another one with water soluble oils here. Substitute the cocamidopropyl betaine amount and all or a bit of one surfactant with the SCS-CAB blend. 

Want more ideas? Considering using it in a facial cleanser or a shampoo as well! (Do a search - upper left hand corner of the screen - or click on the hair care link to the right for recipes!) 

Join me tomorrow for more fun formulating with new ingredients!

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