Sunday, 19 June 2011

I'm back (in Pog form)!*

This has been one annoying cold. I lie down and I think, hey, I'm feeling good, let's go do somewhere or do something! Then I sit up and a few minutes later I'm feeling quite tired. I don't think it's a cold, though. I have some congestion, but it's mostly just exhaustion, headache, backache, muscle ache, generally achiness, and so on, so I think it might be something else. But I've been sitting up for quite a few hours now - yay! - and I've written some posts you'll see during the week from the why did I buy that series - mostly about fruit extracts (thanks for the suggestion, Lise!) but there'll be other topics! I'm hoping to get back to the Iron Chemist series after my holidays in early July when I'm planning some serious workshop time! So yay to feeling better! But I think I'll have a lie down now. Don't want to do too much in one day!

*Simpsons reference. Milhouse tells Bart that Alf is back "in Pog form", said Pogs purchased with money Milhouse made by selling Bart's soul to the Comic Book Guy. When I'm sick, I watch episode after episode of the Simpsons to make myself feel better. Warning: There will be quite a few Simpsons references in the coming days! 

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