Wednesday, 25 May 2011

I'm having trouble writing posts...

For the first time in two years, I missed a day, then I missed another. And the only reason I'm not counting today as a missed post day is thanks to this one (but I don't think this one really counts).

I'm having trouble finding inspiration from the how to duplicate things series. I had hoped it would tie into the whole learning to formulate thing, but it feels more like I'm figuring out recipes and posting them, which isn't as much fun as it sounds. My goal was never to have a blog where I post recipes and hand out information! I want this to be an interactive experience where we can share ideas, tweak recipes, and learn more about the process of making products from each other.

I need to take a break from the duplicating and get into more creating from scratch (I'll do what I've always done, scatter the duplicating posts throughout the blog when I get time to try the recipes). To that end, I'll be starting a series on "why did I buy that ingredient" tomorrow (if you'd like to make a suggestion for an ingredient, click here!), starting with a few ingredients I've already covered before we move on to some interesting ones like behenyl alcohol, lactic acid, and Caprol Micro Express!

I'm really not sure why this post was accompanied by a picture of me trying to shove 3 D cell batteries in my mouth (inspired by Strongbad, which just shows you that we are influenced by bad behaviour on TV and the 'net), but I thought it was really funny! 


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