Friday 2 December 2011

Movember is over...

...Yet my husband's moustache continues to grow! He's decided to go for the 1980s heavy metal handlebar look for the holidays! This is seven kinds of awesome!

I would not normally post this kind of gratuitous exploitation of the male form on my blog, but I could not find a picture of the band ManOWar in which any of them were fully dressed! And in case my wonderful Raymond looks at the blog today, you're much cuter than any of these oiled up, fur clad, mustachioed misogynists! (You should have seen the pictures I found before this one. I'm so glad we live in a more enlightened era!)

I'm embarrassed to note that I didn't mention Movember once in Movember! (Although in my defence, I didn't make note of any specific women's health days either, so I guess I just plum forgot about everything in 2011!) If you'd like to read the posts on men's products I wrote last year, click here to start at the beginning, then hit "newer post" at the bottom of the page to get to the next entry!

Here are some posts on shaving products you might like to make for yourself or the man in your life (or both!)
Modifying conditioner into shaving lotion
Solid conditioner becomes shaving bar (my favourite recipe!)
Modifying conditioner into shaving lotion - updated, part 1
Modifying conditioner into shaving lotion - updated, part 2
And a pre-shaving product contributed by Dave!

Are you continuing to grow your mighty 'stache? Kudos to you! Let's bring the moustache back as an option for men!


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