Monday, 21 November 2011

Question regarding new e-book...

The new e-book will be a formulating lotions book, how to do it from scratch, based on the formulating series from earlier this year. It is intended to be a lotion making 201 type book intended for those of us who want to take our lotion making beyond finding a recipe and have a few questions about it and wondered if those of you interested in the book might answer a few questions for me...

1. Should I include all the ingredient information in the book as I did for the lotion making book? For instance, do you want all the carrier oil profiles and such? Or should I just include those ingredients that I didn't include in the last book? (This will make the book a lot bigger!) Or should I turn those sections into another e-book you could download? 

2. Do you want a detailed explanation of the HLB system or should I turn that into another, shorter e-book?

3. Do you want information about suggested equipment - scales, double boilers, bottling things - and do you want suggestions about suppliers?

What else can you suggest? For those of you who have the other e-books, what can you suggest to me about formatting, font, pictures, and so on? 

I'll do a random draw of the people who comment and one of you will get a free copy of the e-book the moment it's ready! (I'll roll a D20 - that seems pretty random to me!) I hope that's an incentive! 

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