Saturday, 5 November 2011

National Gaming Day - Saturday, November 12th

If you live in the Fraser Valley, why not join us for National Gaming Day at the Yarrow library from 11:00 to 3:30 on Saturday, November 12th? We're opening the event up to everyone of all ages, so come one, come all and play some Rock Band 3, Beatles Rock Band, Dance Central 2, Super Smash Brothers, Mario Kart and more. As well, we'll be playing board & card games in the form of Werewolves and Cash & Guns Live! If you're an adult, show your kids you can be cool, too. If you're a kid or youth, come show us how it's done!

If you can't join us, click here to find a library near you that might be hosting an event that day! Bring them down a treat or participate in a game or just let them know that you support gaming in your community!

If you click near Vancouver, B.C., you'll see us at Yarrow Library, which is one of three libraries in B.C. (and possibly Canada) participating in National Gaming Day (which I feel should be called International Gaming Day because we're not in America!!!) 

A huge thanks to you, my wonderful readers, for making our participation in this day possible! Your donations have helped to buy the video and board/card games, as well as the treats we'll be serving that day! I'll let you know how it goes!

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