Tuesday, 27 September 2011

No post this morning...but a question

Let me know what you want to know! With Christmas coming soon - yeah, I know, it's three months away, but when you're a crafter you have to start thinking about these things in July, so I'm really two months late - and the busy craft class teaching season upon us, I need to get the blog organized and do some serious planning to ensure I have a post for every day of the week.

What do you want to see in the next few months? More recipes for lotions or hair care? More information on strange and exotic oils? More information on formulating lotions? More information on surfactants? I'm going through the blog and my e-mail box this weekend to find all the questions you've posed lately, and I'm hoping to answer as many as I can in the coming weeks!

I'm also hoping to put together an e-book on formulating from scratch based on the formulating series that will include information on the HLB system, the helpful hints we've had over the last week and a half, and tons of recipes and ideas on how to learn to formulate your own products. I'm considering a mineral make-up one as well. Any other suggestions? What do you think? What would you like to see?

If you want to e-mail me, please write to sjbarclay@telus.net (look up and to the right in the welcome to the blog section for the permanent link to my e-mail address). Or comment in this thread!

And again, the picture means nothing except my husband collected these eggs at my massage therapist's farm and I thought it would look awesome as a comic book panel! 

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