Saturday 23 July 2011

I'm doing science and I'm still alive!

Wow, I'm really flaky lately, saying I'm going to write some posts, then not doing it, then showing up again to say I'm going to write some posts then not doing it and so on. I've been double-plus-ultra-mega-super busy lately (I've done at least two youth groups of some kind Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday this week, with another one today) and I can't seem to find time to catch my breath (in a good way - I'm having a blast). I haven't had any workshop time this month, so I can't share new products or ideas. Heck, I'm running out of everything and if I don't get into the workshop by next weekend, I'll have to buy conditioner (insert dramatic gasp here!)!

Every year my best friend and I pick two new things to learn or do (so far this year, learning to sew clothes and entering a drinking contest last night - note, an Italian soda drinking contest at the 48 hour game-a-thon at our local board & card games store. I came in second to last. I'm okay with that) and I pick something I want to change about myself. This year it's learning to say no and set boundaries (I have some boundaries, but I need to be really vigilant about my personal time.)

If you've ever tried this, you'll find it most interesting. People don't like it when you say no - as Oprah pointed out, if someone won't take no for an answer, they're trying to control you - and interesting things can happen. My friends, family, and co-workers have not only accepted it, they've expressed things like "it's about bloody time!" or "I'm glad you're looking after yourself", but a few will try to push you, and the odd one will get hostile. I've been in the very hostile zone for a few weeks now and it's been taxing my energy. It's hard to wake up in the morning to e-mails besmirching one's good name and go to work with a big smile on your face, but I hope that's over now.

I can't promise posts every day for at least another month - I have to get back into research mode - but I'm really hoping I can get into thrice a week mode. Thanks for your kind words of support!

This post is illustrated with these bath salts because they're from the class on Friday and I thought this was a particularly vibrant jar. Teaching kindergarteners how to make bath salts - try it some time! It's a blast! Click here for the tutorials.


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