Monday, 16 May 2011

Question: Why do we like these products?

I'm still not feeling all that well - I'm getting really tired of this stomach bug as this has to be the 10th time I've had this since March - so I thought I'd post a question and let you be the blog writers for today. 

Why do you like the products you like?

Think about it before answering! If we took away the company name, the product name, the fragrance, the labelling, and so on, and gave you a generic bottle with the "lotion" or "facial cleanser" on it, would you still love it? If it were to be called a lotion, cream, body butter, body souffle, hydrating lotion, moisturizing cream, and so on, would it change your perception of it? If I gave you the product unlabelled and told you it was an equivalent brand from a grocery store, would you like it as much as a product I told you was from Lush or Dermalogica or another one of those fancy companies?

Shakespeare said, "that which we call a rose/By any other name would smell as sweet", but when it comes to products, I'd have to disagree. (Just who do I think I am, eh? Disagreeing with the Bard?)

I keep thinking back to the marsh cudweed/helichyrsum debate from April 5th (wow, have we been duplicating products that long?)...I think this is when I really started thinking about the nature of marketing and the ingredients we choose. (But that's a really long train of thought and should be left for another day when I don't feel like I'm going to fall face down into the laptop!)

So there's the question. Why do you like the products you like? What do you really like about them? What do you like about the skin feel or the texture of the product? And it is okay to really like the packaging, labelling, name, and so on (that's one of the fun bits about making our own - designing labels, coming up with names, making up fragrance blends, etc.)

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