Tuesday 3 May 2011

A few thoughts I had in the shower this morning...

I often think in the shower (which my family appreciates more than me singing in the shower, especially when they're all sleeping!) and here are a few thoughts that came to me this morning...

Why do we say only to condition from our ears down? Our hair above our ears needs love, too! I understand the concept is to keep the conditioner away from your scalp - especially if you're an oily girl, like me - but if the point of conditioner is to help prevent damage by things like styling, styling products, chemical processing, and friction, why wouldn't we condition all our hair? If your hair grows about a centimetre a month (about 0.4 inches), then I'm not conditioning 10 months' growth (I have about 10 cm or 4 inches from the top of my ear to the top of my head). I know I don't want oily hair tomorrow morning when I've washed it today, but I also don't want to damage 10 months' growth. So I condition everywhere and the oiliness be damned!

I think if my dad were a teenager when I was a teenager, he'd like Iron Maiden. All those songs about war and the sea and navigating oceans and being on exciting journeys - it's all very Boys' Own adventuring kind of stuff, and he liked that kind of thing. If he were a teenager when I was a teenager, that would have been a little weird...especially since I'm sure he would have been one of those cadet kids who listened to the Pixies and Black Flag and I was a headbanger (albeit a secretly geeky, science fiction loving honour roll student), and those two groups didn't get along at my school. (Although we did get along better than the preppy, Pretty in Pink kind of kids and the headbangers!)

I love my black cocoa emulsified scrub and scrub bar, but it seems counterintuitive to cover myself in what looks like mud just after using that lovely smelling body wash! I have to use a not white or not very light coloured towel after bathing because sometimes I miss a spot when rinsing, and it's really messy in the shower and I have to rinse the walls down and squeegee them before getting out. But it really is worth it!

What's with the grandfather paradox in time travel? (If you go back in time and kill your grandfather, you won't exist.) If you're not a serial killer, what are the odds that during your time travelling you'll have this strong urge to kill anyone, let alone someone of whom you likely have very fond memories? (I wonder if it's like when the video game tells you not to turn the console off because it's saving. I've never wanted to press it more!) And why is it never the grandmother paradox? Is it because she'd bake you cookies or take you out for Chinese food and that would suppress the urge to murder or is it because science fiction writers and physicists of old were a little misogynistic?

Stop worrying about the required HLB values of your lotions if you're using all in one emulsifiers! (Click here for more information on the HLB system and emulsifiers!) If you're using something like Polawax, e-wax, BTMS-50, and so on, you don't need to worry about the HLB values of your oil phase! If you're making a conditioner, lotion, or something else that requires emulsification and you're using an all-in-one emulsifier or something labelled as an emulsification system, just make the darn product and love it! The HLB system is only for when we need to figure out how to make our own emulsifiers from low HLB and high HLB emulsifiers. If you want to learn it, that's great. It's interesting and it frees us from the shackles of the big companies' products, but if you've been making awesome lotions with an all in one emulsifier without using the HLB system, you can still continue to do that!

I did have other thoughts this morning - should I make some breakfast or pick some up on my way to the doctor? is my dog still under my desk or did I lock the workshop without checking for her? do I have all the stuff for craft group today? did I remember to get that information to the accountant? - and so on, but these were the ones I felt compelled to share for some strange reason!


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