Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Why the heck did I buy that?

As I organize the workshop a little better, I'm encountering ingredients I didn't remember buying and haven't used. I have a few esters and ingredients for hair styling products for my mom that I've never even cracked open! I'm dying to play with them, so I'm planning a day on the Easter weekend to go nuts with AMP, PVP, a few new emulsifiers, and some exotic oils to see what they can do!

So I'm asking you, my wonderful readers, what ingredients have you purchased but never used? Or which ingredients did you think held such promise but never found a way to use them? Post your ingredient ideas (and the reason you bought it, if you can remember!) in the comments and I'll work on as many as I can in the new "why the heck did I buy that" series!

And yes, I'm getting back to the Iron Chemist over the Easter long weekend. And I'll be starting a series of "ingredient of the week" posts shortly to get us to think about our ingredients differently. I'm finally getting organized and getting some workshop time. Yay!

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