Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Kukui nut oil continued...

I know I promised a recipe with this oil today, but things have been so insane around the house and at work lately, I only have time to write a short post today (and the new version of Safari keeps crashing, ARGH!), so I thought I'd write a little more about kukui nut oil today.

After much searching through various textbooks, the web, and the EBSCOhost thingie at the library, I feel like I still know very little about this oil. I still can't find out the specifics about the anti-oxidants, although I know there are some and one of them is Vitamin E. Why the mystery about this oil?

I did, however, find this: Kukui nut oil was tested in a small pilot study to see if it was more effective than mineral oil against psoriasis. The findings were not significant, meaning kukui nut oil was not more effective than mineral oil, although the authors caution that more study is required (and this is usually what you find at the end of most studies that have a null result, but this was a small study with 30 participants, and only 24 completed the study).

Thanks to Regina for the data sheet and madpiano for information on the different name! 

I still can't find much, but I do know I like the feeling of this oil. It's a very dry feeling oil, but it still feels very silky on my skin (I find some of the drier feeling oils feel dry, but not silky). It feels almost like a thicker ester, which is very nice.

I plan to use this in an eye cream I've been working on - somewhere you want to be quite dry, light, and easy to spread with very little effort - and I've already tried this in a body oil in place of the esters. (Very nice, and more on that tomorrow.)

Sorry for the short post, but I'll make up for it in the next few days with lots of recipes! 


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