Sunday, 2 January 2011

Challenge: Six ingredient lotions

Welcome to the six ingredient lotion challenge! The rules are simple - make a lotion using only six ingredients. Water, preservative, fragrance or essential oils do not count towards the six ingredients, but everything else does (including hydrosols or aloe vera that you might substitute for the water portion). You can make type of lotion you wish - body butter, creams, hand lotions, moisturizers, and so on - but you may only use six ingredients. Use any ingredients you like, just make sure you have an emulsifier in there.

As a note - if you're making your own emulsifier using the HLB system, those two ingredients would count as the emulsifier, and would only count as one ingredient.

As a suggestion, set out a goal for your lotion. What viscosity would you like? Do you need a thickener or will the emulsifier be enough? Do you want a dry feeling or greasy feeling lotion? For which part of your body are you intending this lotion? What kinds of oils or butters will give you all the benefits you want? Is there room for an extract?

Here's my link to some basic lotion making concepts for those of you who are new or need a refresher!

And links to my basic lotion templates...
Basic lotion
Basic lotion with humectants
Basic body butter
Basic cream recipe
Basic moisturizer
Basic oil free moisturizer

And you can find all my free downloadable PDFs at the right hand side of the blog to help you choose ingredients, as well as the links to lists section.

As I mentioned previously, there are no fabulous prizes to be had for undertaking this challenge, but it will give you a sense of satisfaction that you've made an awesome product. Send your recipes to me at and I'll post them for all to see! (Please don't put them in the comments as they are too long and people will miss them if they don't read the full post! And make sure you let me know what name you want your recipe posted under or I'll make one up for you!) Include a picture if you wish and your comments about the skin feel, ease of creation, and so on.

There is no time limit on this challenge - I think it would be fun to do it all year long because there are so many variations we could come up with just changing out the oils!

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