Monday, 13 December 2010

The lotionmaking 101 e-book is finally done!

After much work, I've finally put together all the posts on this blog relating to lotion making in the Lotionmaking 101 e-book! It runs 305 pages and 95,647 words, and you'll find everything I know about the basics of lotion making, chemistry of lotions, all the ingredients we use, information on anti-oxidants and preservatives, and a ton of recipes for lotions, body lotions, body butters, light lotions, moisturizers, shaving lotions and more. Rather than re-write the whole thing here, click here to see the table of contents (which runs 8 pages!!!).

With a $29 donation to my youth groups, I'll send you a copy of the book!

Thanks to your generous contributions for the last two e-books (Back to Basics and Hair Care Products: Shampoos & Conditioners), we've been able to fund our four youth groups at the Chilliwack and Yarrow libraries (Genshiken, Games Night, Rated T for Teen video club, and How's That Made, the craft group) into the new year, and we've been able to expand our groups to include the bi-weekly pregnant and parenting teen activity group, Rockin' Out with the Girls (all girl Rock Band day), and the new role playing groups that start in January! (And we're hoping to get an artist friend of ours to offer a drawing class!) Every penny of your donations goes to support our programs, to buy supplies, equipment, food, and treats, and to buy supplies youth can take home to continue the crafting fun and increase their mastery of our projects.

For more information on our groups, click here.

If you click on the little button below, it'll automatically donate $29 in Canadian funds to my group. The book will come to you by e-mail shortly thereafter.

When you donate, I'll also send you a compressed file of the carrier oil, exotic oil, butter, and preservative charts as a handy dandy reference (I couldn't put it in the e-book due to formatting issues, and Word is driving me nuts already!)

Thank you to everyone who has supported or is planning to support our groups. You have no idea how much this means to me and how much it means to the kids. Our present making Christmas extravaganza later this week will include five projects - bubble bath, soap, chocolate, beeswax candles, and Shrinky Dink trinkets - thanks to your generosity! And our Christmas extravaganza in Yarrow included glitter powder, lip balm, bubble bath, and bath salts - all of those supplies sponsored by readers like you!

What does your donation do for our youth groups? $29 can buy 14 pairs of scissors or 6 metres of fleece (it's buy one, get one free this week!). $29 can buy all the veggies for games night, video game club, and Rockin' Out with the Girls! $29 can buy 144 pairs of earrings and all the beads and findings to make them! $29 times five can buy us a new sewing machine for our upcoming learning to quilt class (and we desperately need a new one as mine is dying!). We can make $29 go a long way - I get tons of discounts and freebies - and every penny helps us continue the programs!

If you have any questions about the groups or your donation, don't hesitate to write to me (Susan, aka Swift) at!


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