Thursday, 9 December 2010

Question: What do you love to use but don't like to make?

As much as I love lotions, I admit I find them a pain in the bum to make with all that heating and holding and waiting, and a part of me really wants to just throw away the good manufacturing processes and just make some lotion! I might only have an hour in the workshop in the morning, and I can only get one lotion done in the time it would take to make a few batches of lotion bars or whipped butters or lip balms!

But I shan't...not only do the processes ensure I'm making a safer lotion, but they ensure my great lotion remains emulsified! The process is worth it, but as an immediate gratification kind of girl, I can get a little annoyed standing in my workshop doing nothing when there are other products to be made!

What product do you love to use but dislike making? (And yes, I realize this is a picture of a conditioner bar melting in my double boiler, but I don't have any pictures of me making lotion!)


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