Wanda mentioned how much she loved sugar scrub but lamented at the cost, so we made it. I know I use far too much body wash on my lime green pouffy, and I'm fairly sure I'm this close to being considered a foot lotion abuser as I slather it half way up my leg. I think I've mentioned before that I didn't use any lotions or moisturizers before I started making my own because I couldn't find anything that felt nice. Now I must have a bottle of hand lotion nearby at all times!
So here are the questions: Do you find you use more of your products because you know you can always make more? Are you using products you would never buy in the store, either due to cost or availability, or just not liking the skin feel? Are you making products you've never bought in the past because you can make it yourself?
As always, I ask because I'm curious!
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