Saturday, 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas to all...

Merry Christmas! I'm taking the day off to make merry, jingle a few bells, open some presents, and spend some time with my friends and family. I'll be back on Boxing Day with more cosmetic chemistry fun, but for now I'm off to eat my mom's amazing Christmas cake, enjoy some Christmas pudding, and help my husband prepare Christmas dinner (we're actually having turkey this year! It's a first!).

Indulge me for a moment, if you will.

A huge thank you to all the readers of this blog - you inspire me to create new things, to research different topics, and to continue to expand my knowledge of this amazing craft we call bath & body products.

A massive thank you to those of you who participate in the comments and e-mails - you, too, inspire me to think outside of the proverbial box and learn new things.

And a thank you that is too large for any mere adjective to convey to those of you who have donated to my youth groups. You've allowed us to continue to offer our youth groups, and even expand them! You have no idea how much your support means to us, but more importantly, how much it means to the youth who attend our groups. They're shocked, amazed, and thrilled that people they haven't met care so much about them! They've gained an appreciation for the supplies we bring and they're learning all about the kindness of others. You've given them so much more than money - you've given them a chance to learn about generosity, kindness, and selflessness, three things that will serve them well as they become amazing adults. Again, I can never thank you enough, so I hope these words will suffice.

A very Merry Christmas to you and yours. Hope Santa is kind to you this year!

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