Friday, 31 December 2010

It's New Year's Eve!

I thought I'd take a look at the resolutions I made last year and see if I made any headway on my plans. And no, this picture has nothing to do with my resolutions - this year I plan to chew more monkeys? - but I think my dog is adorable!

Get organized: This went better this year, although it's always a work in progress. We spent a lot of money at Ikea and the Container Store buying things to help me out, like bookshelves and bulletin boards, and it's working. I need a ton of help from my mom and Raymond to get organized, but I'm finding it easier to stay organized once it's done! And I love my iPod touch for taking notes, keeping me scheduled, and so on. So this one is a partial success, although I need to accept I'm just not that kind of person so I'll do what I can!

Continue to set and maintain good boundaries around my time: I'm getting great at this. Having a headache for 18 months makes it easy to say no! I'm normally home from work when I thought I would be, and I've stopped taking phone calls when I'm on holidays or outside of work time!

Finish my math class by April 2010 with an A: This one kicked my bum. I got stuck on trigonometry, and I'm still working on it, but I will get that A! (I can't move objects in my head, and I don't know left and right, so it's really hard for me to move an angle to see if it's the same as the other one!)

Continue attending singing lessons: I went for a while, but the headaches made it hard for me to open my mouth properly, so I had to put them on hold. I'm hoping to start again in March or April.

Go snow tubing by the end of February: The Olympics and the lack of snow made this impossible!

Go camping with my friends this summer for at least three days: We went to Moses Lake in June!

More day trips locally: We did some of these, but I've still never been to Birch Bay!

Perfect my mascara recipe and liquid eye liner recipe: Nope, but I have the ingredients. This is on my to-do list this month!

Learn to silk screen (year #3 this has been on the list!): We tried in July but failed. We have to try again!

Start Christmas presents really early: I kind of did this by making cards and things, but I didn't get everything made in time. I think this resolution needs to be adapted to "stop putting so much pressure on myself to make things in time for Christmas" for 2011. (Although I have started my sewing for next year's presents!)

Make more jewellery: I think I need to stop making it now! I have so much!

Sew more shorts: I did this, and just finished another pair this week.

Sew more skirts: I made two this year and have a few more planned.

So I think I did okay, despite the year long headache and the horrible sinus/chest/ear infection in late November and early December. How did you do with your resolutions?


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