Saturday, 4 December 2010

I'm sick!

Well, the horrible cold that started on November 4th and morphed into a flu a few days later has left me with a sinus, ear, and chest infection that has me down for a few days (it better be no more than that!!!), filling myself up with anti-biotics and over the counter pain medications. I knew I wasn't feeling my best, but I've barely had the energy to make products for friends and family, and I'm still booked solid with clients, craft groups, and holiday celebrations! ARGH!

This is my favourite time of year, and it is infuriating that I'm stuck in the house lying in bed instead of annoying the general public with Christmas carols and random gifts of treats! I'd normally ignore my body - we're kind of at war with each other right now - but it could make my life really miserable by feeling worse, so I shall succumb. I shall listen to its need for rest and spend a few days in bed. I'll enjoy cups of lovely tea we bought in Fort Langley the other day (the marzipan is awesome, the chocolate hazelnut is lovely, and I'll know in a few minutes what I think of the spiced Christmas tea) and I will do some sewing while watching endless episodes of the Simpsons. (To give you some perspective on how long I've been ill, I've watched all four seasons of Big Bang Theory since this cold started.) I'll put aside my expectations - I might have to buy my cards at the store this year - and perhaps do some random gifting throughout the year instead of pushing myself to make it all before the 25th.

The reason for sharing my grumpiness with you, my wonderful reader? One, I'm annoyed and needed to vent. And two, I might not be able to get to your e-mails and comments as quickly as I'd like. Oftentimes your wonderful missives require some research or work, and I'm just not up for it right now. Give me a week and I hope to be back to normal.

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