Sunday, 26 December 2010

I love Christmas!

My love of chemistry was acknowledged by my friends and family this Christmas with this amazing test tube set and beaker from my best friend, and a fantastic pH meter from my mom and husband. I may have to break my ban on shopping on Boxing Day because I need some calibration fluid so I can use the darn thing (I could make some, but I'm scared I'll mess the machine up for good!).

My mom made me a lovely grey coloured blouse with pewter buttons, and my husband bought me many books and the game Crafting Mama for my DS. We did such a great job hiding my mom's presents around the house, we found five of them stashed away that we had to give her throughout the day! I gave Raymond an ice cream maker - ironic coming from the lactose tolerant girl, although he's been looking up soy and non-dairy based ice creams - and some clothes. (Damn, my husband's gorgeous!)

We had a great dinner - Raymond made turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and Brussell sprouts (ick!) and green beans and roastie potatoes and it was awesome, although we ate so much, we couldn't have our Christmas pudding! Next year - we eat early and less so I can have some pudding!

So how was your Christmas? Mine was awesome!

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