I could have ordered it from an aquarium supply place or my new favourite shop, Pro-Lab in Quebec (check out the beakers and test tubes!), but I didn't want to wait to play and I wanted to shop local. So I went to one of the many hydroponic growing stores in Chilliwack - thank goodness I live in the grow op belt of B.C.! - and bought myself a container of pH 4 and pH 7 calibration solution. (They didn't have the pH 10, so I will order that from Pro-Lab!)
If you have a pH meter, you'll need some calibration fluid. Mine calls for pH 4, pH 7, and pH 10, although I can get away without the pH 10. Check what you need. You might find it locally at aquarium or hydroponic or "indoor growing" stores.
Mine called for me to soak the electrode in the pH 4 solution for 10 minutes before using it for the first time. My husband yelled, "Oh boy, Hawaiian punch!" upon seeing the solution! After the 10 minutes, it was time to calibrate it for the first time.
I rinsed it with distilled water, then put it into the pH 7 solution, which was a lovely lime green, until it noted the pH and held it. Then I rinsed it again, then put it into the pH 4 solution until it noted the pH. Calibration done.
I could have done a triple calibration with pH 10 included, but I don't have that yet. I will once I've purchased some!
Calibration done! Time to get measuring!
Our caramelized onion marmalade has a pH of 3.9! I'm off to the workshop to test more stuff!
As a note, every pH meter is different so check yours to see what the manufacturer suggests. I just wanted to share in the pH meter-y happiness!
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